Friday, February 12, 2010

Your Assignment

Should You Choose to Accept It-If not, please Shut the ....Up.

Mr. Peters goes to Washington, and East Jibbip Wants Him Back.

This is for you Mr. Peters, Jr. The one who likes to call people "Catholyk" like they are not the real deal.
Here is your test to see whether you are really Christian (because not all Catholics are, some are the mindless take the wafer run mindless idiots who don't know the first thing about Jesus-like people who idealize a Virgin Mary made out of idolatrous stone and marble in statue form but treat the real women in their life like garbage)

Answer the following multiple choice and True/False questions:
1. Women should be forced to bear children by taking an accidental pregnancy to term even if they don't want to: (a) by the government (b) by their parish priest (c) by their parents (d) not at all.
If you answered (a) answer the following:
The government should compel women who have an accidental pregnancy who do not want to bear a child to term or have a child to be forced to have one by (a) locking them up in jail and taking away all instruments that could do harm (b) just intimidating them by harassing police action to threaten to lock them up in jail (c) handcuffing them to a four poster bed for six to nine months (d) drugging them unconscious and hoping it doesn't hurt the fetus until it can be cut out of their uteruses without them knowing post viability (e) excommunicating them, blacklisting them from employment so they have no prospect of sustaining themselves or their offspring economically.

Now here is part II. Go actually read Roe v. Wade, the opinion. Then go actually read all subsequent Supreme Court opinions on the subject (Casey, etc.). Then thirdly, go write the opinion you think should have been written instead of Roe v. Wade.

Until you have taken this quiz, in all its parts, please shut up. You and your ilk are just completely annoying and totally counter-productive to any true movement trying to bring fuller Life, more Life and more real babies into the world. It is about STRATEGIES. How dare you demonize everyone with half a brain who has given three seconds of intelligent energy to the discussion. How dare you and your ilk argue to "BAN" anyone from speaking at a Catholic school who has a better idea regarding strategies for implementation of a vision than the neanderthal counter-productive abuse you all construct.

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