Monday, February 01, 2010

The Puzzle Pieced Together

And Who Really Was Mary Magdalene and Why Does It Matter So Much?

There are several accounts of the episode where Jesus tells off Judas and possibly others-Simon the leper, for criticizing the actions of Mary. Luke's account fills in a few more blanks than Johns- both say he told off the people criticizing her. Luke says he told off those who said "hey, if you know what kind of woman this was you wouldn't let her touch you like that." And Jesus tells him off. He defends her- he says different things in the account in Luke than that in John- it's the same Mary. And of course, he lets her touch him- all over. You guys haven't even given me a kiss of peace and this woman hasn't stopped kissing my feet since I got here!

Jesus speaks in parables and explains more directly to apostles. So Simon the Leper gets a parable- about the person whose huge debt is forgiven. Who is more grateful? The person whose bigger debt is forgiven or the one who doesn't really think he owes anything? Obviously the one whose larger debt was forgiven. To Judas he just says- LEAVE HER ALONE!

Why should it matter (to anything more than Dan Brown book sales?) Because if in fact Jesus respected Mary Magdalene to defend her and give her an intimate special place in his ministry and heart, then there is no excuse to maintain a number of things regarding the status of women that historically have existed. For one, the priestly 'marriage option' is a no-brainer.
It reminds me of the Bishops who want to deny communion to oestensibly labeled "pro-choice" politicians when JPII did not and never said to- are you more Catholic than the Pope? Are you more holy than Jesus?

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