Thursday, February 11, 2010

Run for your Ratings Colbert

It's the Palin-Nation.

The only other ostensible "news" story surfacing from the snow drifts was the Palin pain-in-the-you know what showing up at the Tea-Bagger "convention" of 600 people more aptly named a 'conference' at some hotel. She had crib notes on her hand declaring her talking points -things like "energy" and "hope" etc.
I can remember once writing on my hand something I couldn't remember- I had to do the reading at a Mass and introduce the priest. "Good evening, our celebrant today is Father ....."
It was a new priest (to me) and he had a complicated non-common name. I wrote it on my hand so I wouldn't forget it. I think I did it one other time. I was running to the grocery store and my mom shouted out another thing she wanted me to get; so as not to forget it I grabbed a pen in my pocket and jotted it down on my hand because I couldn't find a piece of paper and had the rest of the list memorized. Each time I confess to being an adult and not so old as to be plagued with the CRS syndrome (Can't Remember Sunshine). Come on, you have done it once in your life too, don't lie.
Palin's Palm talking points however totally cracked me up- because they were so obviously the core of what her talk was about. I won't even call it a speech because that gives her too much dignity, like she is actually someone anyone should pay speaker fees to. She couldn't remember "Energy" or "Hope"? Maybe she was afraid she wouldn't say them in the right order. Hope, Energy, Energy, Hope. Let me write them down. And what was the scribble out? "Prosperity"-no that's too controversial.
The more this girl develops a "following" the more I want to have Colbert nominate her Vice President of the Colbert Nation until she gets her own show she can call the Palin Nation. She is that caliber an entertainer, only less funny because she takes herself seriously.
This also reminds me of my mother's favorite pseudo-ballerina pose that she strikes when she comically proclaims "I am the Rose Princess." Not having graduated fifth grade ballerina class, this was her last role and she relished it into her old grandmother-age. Yes, Mom, you are the Rose Princess. Yes, Sara, you almost were the Vice President by Senatorial act of senility.

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