Friday, February 05, 2010

God Ordained A Married Man

When the Lord Anointed Peter the First Pope.

Jesus who went to Peter's house to cure his mother in law surely knew Peter was married. It was on that Rock he built his church. Peter's name means in fact rock. In french it is "Pierre"- stone, pebble, rock.

Peter was anointed by Jesus as the highest Priest of his new church. The Highest Priest was married. It was not only not a disqualifier, I would argue that it was a mandatory pre-qualification.

The scripture clearly says that Bishops are to be the husband of one wife. Not ten like the polygamous alien nations surrounding them, not none like an ascetic in the wilderness. One.

So how does this square with the Pope's mandate that the only holy response sufficient to serve the church is through the virginal total self denial translated as self giving to God? It doesn't.
What the church requires isn't what Jesus instituted. It is how what is something viewed as a practical necessity (for worldy reasons) has been justified through a tortured theology to veer from what Jesus intended.

The deviation from God's path in this regard is not just a missing the mark -but it creates something essentially outside God's will in many regards and promotes abuse. It has cast on women an aspersion that is unholy. It has elevated, a la, platonic realm of the forms, non-materialism as the highest virtue over Love itself which is God. It is wrong.
The Pope is here just wrong.

Thirteen (13) Popes prior to the 12th Century were Married men. It took about 400 years for the church to split in half with the entire Protestant world of all denominations rejecting the notion that all priests must be lifetime celibates- regardless of whether they were or were not called by the Spirit into a state of celibacy. In this country hundreds of priests have left the church over the rule.

And the garbage thrown at people like Father Cutie because he wouldn't disgrace, dump, demean and destroy his girlfriend is appalling. Shameful. Sickening.

There should absolutely be a marriage option in the priesthood. Jesus never said that the way to heaven was that everyone had to be castrati self-flagellating celibate scholars. Ridiculous. Jesus said the way to heaven was through LOVE. Its as simple as the nose on your face.

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