Tuesday, November 23, 2010

How to Finance

an Enormous Padre Pio basillica in Times Square

...and give jobs to thousands of lost broke architects, craftsmen, stonemasons, sculptures, painters, etc.

Figure out that the so called veil of veronica is really an Albrecht Durer and auction it at Sothebys.
It was lost apparently and mysteriously delivered by a stranger -who is described so mysteriously one might think he were an angel (what they clearly are trying to convey.) He could have disappeared because he was the thief who stole the original to give to artists to copy because copies fetched a handsome ransom (used actually for prisoner ransom in the middle ages) and copies were strictly outlawed by the Vatican. They were literally killing protestants in parts then-he might have disappeared because he didn't want to be turned in. This all co-incidentally, (or not) occured in 1506 right when Durer was making all these paintings of Christ and even on fabrics for altar cloths or for framing over altars. Durer is thought to be the greatest German renaissance painter- and a fan of Martin Luther- we would call him a 'protestant' today-but then he was just a bit of an outlaw. Someone who might not want a bunch of monks knowing who he was or how he made that cloth for above the altar.....

The truth will set you free- if it's a great lost Durer it is worth a fortune. If it really cures blindness leave it there and them think it is the actual image of Christ. Is it the faith that is curing blindness or the cloth?

There is a painting convention most prominent now in the asian world when painting portraiture in which when painting someone who is a criminal or who has a soul disembodied or disconnected to his face (a soul-less person) you show pupils above the white iris in the eyes revealing white below the pupils. Jesus of course was not a criminal but was wrongly accused of one in violation essentially of blasphemy laws- this suggests that someone is painting after a convention. If the cloth was handed to veronica, or if she wiped his face with it while he was alive he should not have the whites of his eyes showing below his pupils. There are a lot of problematic aspects to this story if you look at the evolution of artistic conventions through the middle ages....I vote for 'it's a Durer copy" - unless I see it and can thereafter ditch my glasses.

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