Monday, November 15, 2010

Rangel's Wrangle

And the Republican Racism.

I am calling a spade a spade. Republicans are racists in large part. Very large part. Admit it. I know it first hand to be true in more ways than I care to repeat or even reflect upon because it makes me sick (I am a white girl -OK frantically freckled with rumored native american blood from about a hundred years ago in the gene pool -which my blonde hazel eyed mother denies.)
This Charlie Rangel mess is a persecution campaign against black legislators hoping to smear Obama eventually- whack Maxine while you are at it.
Get SERIOUS. This is doing more to undermine Republican credibility than Mitch McMarbles (does he not talk like he has a mouth full of marbles?) making everyone bow and cow tow and kiss to his 'agenda.'
I am not going to comment on declaring rental income in the DR- He denies it- perhaps there were legit set offs they are not taking into account like maintenance costs, etc...that reduced the total income, etc...I didn't do his taxes so I don't know.
I also don't know about the Franking issue of using the congressional stamps and franking for a college in new york that had some program or building named after him- but doesn't that in a sense also promote the institution as a whole if a sitting congressman has a building named after him or a program attributed to him? Isn't that something we the American people want to encourage? Apparently not if it is a black congressman promoting lower income education. The Republicans actually in some districts loudly lobby for totally abolishing the department of education. Ridiculous.
Then there is the issue of getting a few rent controlled apartments in Harlem- for what? office space? Good for him. Manhattan is ridiculously expensive- you want a congressman paying Trump instead? GET SERIOUS- what are these "ethics" issues really but smoke and mirrors for the Republican campaign of persecution against black legislators? Rent Control is a 'gift?" in violation of the Gift Ban? Rent Control is a law- Congresspeople can't take advantage of it like any American? They have to pay out the nose? With what? Campaign contributions?
Does that mean that if I rent a room in a house with people in a House on the Hill and they give me a break and don't charge me out the nose that I am guilty of some kind of graft?
This is a sad pathetic joke and Republicans should be ashamed of themselves.
We should be applauding people with long records in Congress who have done as much good for underprivileged people in a major city as Charlie Rangel. Did he benefit his 'friends' too much? Who doesn't try to do that in Congress? Mitch McMarble tried to help all his tobacco lobby friends-and they ran around the country giving people lung cancer.
Leave Rangel alone- or you will set a Karmic precedent that is going to get all of you jokers.

1 comment:

Talib I. Karim, Esq. said...

Good points...watching the hearing right now. Its a travesty.

Now there are true cases of corruption going on in government like how the Chamber of Commerce literally purchased nearly the entire Freshman Class of the House of Representatives, with hidden funds.

Or the mysterious death of the young Justice Dept. attorney who was involved in prosecuting a Republican politician the same day that politician was set to be buried as a "hero" in Arlington Cemetary.

Or how the U.S. is offering Isreal a dozen airplanes and commitment to block UN action on Palestinian in exchange for a 90 extension of the housing contruction moratorium, provided that the U.S. also agrees not to ask for another extension of the moratorium.

The world is watching...and the U.S.'s image as a country ruled by justice fading fast...