Monday, November 29, 2010

The Record

Speaks for itself and Speaks for a new DC Archbishop

If you read the popular press or pick up a Catholic Standard (the PR propaganda paper of the DC Archdiocese) you will get a sense of the priorities of this DC Archbishop. Catholic schools in the suburbs. All over the press. Good for them. Catholic Schools in the suburbs are doing marvelously.
Now what have you done for us lately?

You will also get a picture of how inept and incompetent his team of players appears to be on a variety of fronts: 1. They lost all the Gay Marriage litigation- big time. They didn't lose a few legal points (that were better won in other States) but they did it in such an arrogant manner that they lost friends and made enemies. They took positions people were compelled to argue against from a Catholic perspective- they incited whole groups of bloggers to trash them they were so arrogant.
2. They lost the public funding for DC Schools and all congressional support. This is not because the argument was bad, it was how it was presented. It was the ineptitude of the lobbyists I would argue taking their que from the arrogance of the Archbishop.
3. They had to pay out at least one reported scandal settlement which they mysteriously say didn't come from contributions (so one wonders if the sold schools have anything to do with it.)
4. They totally lost the PR battle-and it only gets worse- is that PR chick looking for another job yet?
5. They ran Saint Matthews Cathedral-supposed to be the head seat of the Archbishop- into such a budget problem they had to let go their social justice minister director and give all her duties to the already overworked saintly Fr. Evelio.

...and I could go on...... (that's only the public information stuff- the secret stuff would curl your toes and straighten my hair.)

And then Wuerl at the Red Mass has the nerve to preside over a blessing of all the gathered lawyers and judges who have been practicing in DC for years and years before he ever got here, after fighting the DC Human Rights Act --proclaiming his fondness for the 'Rule of Law. '


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