Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Catholic Church's Women Problem

I thought it was Just Me.

I commend your attention to the article by Cathleen KAVENY in the Commonweal mag.
Oct.22, 2010 issue, p.8. I don't even know her and she read my mind (*or perhaps my blog.)
She notes- many Catholics held on believing the upward trajectory of Vatican II would solve the obvious issue of the Catholic world's twisted understanding of the role of women in the Kingdom. Instead what it got was confirmation that it's understanding is and was twisted. Twisted is what a chord is when you can't get electricity through- it's kinked - it's wicked.
I quote her: "For some, frustration boiled over after the Vatican released a statement that seemed ineptly to equate as sacramental crimes the sexual abuse of minors and any attempt to ordain women. For the women I spoke with this supposed PR gaffe raised once again the deep suspicion that among those at the highest levels of the church hierarchy there remains a deep, visceral and seemingly inexpungable disrespect for---and even fear of--women."
The article goes on to say that the educated professional women (she even cites an unnamed attorney) have lost hope of the church reforming itself in this regard. It simply has redefined holiness to suit institutional prerogatives and written women out in anything but the Dominican sister sort of celibate role. The most telling symptom of this fear and loathing of women is the absurd insistence that women are not fit to marry priests or it somehow dirties their holiness if they were conjugally connected to women- there is an intrinsic disrespect--even disgust--in such a view that is decidedly Not Jesus. It protects the self-image of the roughly third of the priesthood that is latently gay and the other two thirds that either couldn't get a date to save their soul for defects of persona or relational skill or lack of interest. This creates a really unhealthy church. Really really Not Jesus.
The theology that evolved over the years concerning this distortion of righteousness and perversion of definition of holiness is also twisted- as twisted as Saint Thomas Acquinas saying you can abort a fetus that is a female fetus longer into gestation for her inferior state of watered down maleness. Twisted. Wicked. Wrong. Perverse.
The fact that the Vatican not only issued such a statement but sent out people like Archbishop -soon to be Cardinal-- to justify it with an Archdiocese level PR campaign to sell people on the notion is so off its rocker it is beyond insulting. It would be morally obscene for me to endorse it in any capacity.
This view apparently is shared by many of us- so much so that Commonweal published an article about it.
Think about it boys.
The hypocrisy of being all about "Catholic education"for kids while effectively emotionally or otherwise castrating your priesthood so they effectively create spiritual widows and spiritually sabotage children from being born to them is appalling. There has to be a special place in Hell.

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