Monday, January 03, 2011

The Temple

Of The Holy Spirit

There is a puzzling piece of New Testament scripture in which there is a dialogue between Jesus and the high religious authorities of his day in Jerusalem. He was getting himself into confrontations now and again (the biggest being flipping out and over the money changer tables).
In this dialogue he makes a statement that "If you tear down this Temple I will rebuild it in three days" - The religious authorities look at him like he is crazy no doubt and say "How are you going to rebuild this in three days- it took 47 years to build the place!"
To understand this you have to understand how magnificently grand was the Temple in Jerusalem that everyone went to for Feast days, most especially the Passover-Pesach.
It was enormous and enormously elaborate with internal walls and porticos, several gates or entrances. The 'wailing wall' is the only remaining standing part of it today- and even that fragment is imposingly large. Obviously it took enormous work, and if they paid the sort of attention to detail that Solomon's First Temple perscribed in terms of dot and jittle of dimension, placement and composition, it would have taken care, attention and lots of time- over 47 years!

So what does Jesus mean. "If you destroy this Temple I will raise it up in 3 days."

He, his body is 'The Temple of the Holy Spirit."
What does he mean by that ? He rose in three days from the dead from the date of his crucifixion.
He meant, if you, with the defiling practices of the day, defile the Temple with your perversion of God's love and message, perversion of corruption, perversion of misplaced controlling petty legalism, perversion with the money changer graft system buying sacrifices for closeness to God, if you destroy My House of Prayer and Worship, I will rebuild it in three days-
I will rebuild the Temple of the Holy Spirit- which is my Body, meant the Lord.

This is My Body which is broken for You, for the Salvation of Souls, for the Forgiveness of Your Sins. The only acceptable atoning sacrifical blemishless lamb. My Body, the Temple of the Holy Spirit. When you ingest it, now Your Body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit. Because my Body is within you. The Kingdom of God is within you.

That is why it is such a profound desecration of holiness to comit an abortion, either on yourself or someone else. You are a vandal in a Temple of the Holy Spirit. It is like spray painting the Holy of Holies with vulgarity. Profane. Obscene. The most Unholy Act one can commit.

And if the devil is going to destroy a people, this is where he would start waging war most ferociously. He would desecrate the Temples of the Holy Spirit so it became a vile place of vulgarity, profanity and desecration, mocking its maker.

A nation that doesn't understand the Spiritual significance of Abortion, is a silly nation. A nation that is not asking to be under the Grace of God, but is blinded by it's own arrogance. It's a nation asking to be destroyed from within by its profane corruptions.

If you destroy this Temple, I will rebuild it in Three Days said the Lord.
And when he rebuilt it, woe to the one who tears at it again.
Because the protector of the Christian has the strength of the Wind and Waves and Earthquake and Volcano. Their protector can throw a Mountain into the Sea. So a political party doesn't have a prayer of a chance if against it.

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