Monday, November 08, 2010

Dear Tweetless

Welcome Back

Yes, fine fellow Cornelian you were all the watercolor talk and even the subject of my nephew's 4th birthday party amongst adults in the know in Greenwich. My, how you travel.
In typical fashion, you raise Stewart's sanity bar and meet him with two doses of 'what the heck do you people think you are doing!" Of course, you can give money to whatever politician you want- you can even give money to both sides if you want to if there is a particularly good candidate whois not out of his mind of the other stripe. What does MSNBC or any net work think that they are doing with such a policy which clearly is an attempt at a first amendment infringement if they have even five cents of federal money--- who is doing your research for you (The First Amendment actually reads that Congress shall make no law impinging the free exercise of speech and the press, etc...but it has been extended to states and in some cases municipalities. Is it possible to legally extend it to private corporations like a broadcast network if they receive federal contracts or funding????)
I have not done the research and the ACLU would know better, but it just raises the stink specter all the way to Washington.
Welcome Back to the land of the living.
Banishment rots.

please forgive the blogtypos as i netbook from the boltbus wireless. i am editing in between sips of diet coke and that hamentashen thing i got at grand central (lunch!).

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