Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Kids Say the Darndest Things

Just to change the election subject because I'm exhausted.

I made it to Connecticut to visit my little four year old nephew and realized again that God votes for America everytime he sends us another American kid. On Halloween my nephew instinctively shied away from the horror house in the hood where there were scary skeletons dripping from the trees, ghostly sheets whipping in the breeze and cottonwebbed shrubbery in favor of the nice round pumpkins carved to look like peanuts or Disney characters. "I'm not going to the ghost house mommy, he proclaimed." Good choice.
It is all souls day today. We pray for the dead today. There is a reason for it.

The little tot who comes to my knees marched to each door and proclaimed "trick or treat! I am Buzz Light-year and I am also Jack!" He couldn't believe that was all he had to do in order to get free candy from a stranger. We explained -only on this night and when with grown ups.

My favorite 'isms' of my nephew: after counting all the candy pieces in his plastic pumpkin one by one he declared "We are going to be rich!" Free candy- that is Grace for you.
After all the trekking in the hood in his Buzz lightyear costume with inflatable wings he was exhausted. When we explained that the baby bonnet blue bell round red cheese is opened by pulling the white string around the wax to reveal white cheese inside he proclaimed "I don't have time for this!"

Kids say the darnest things.

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