Tuesday, December 14, 2010

More on the Petty Persecutions

of Gay folk. And the Yule Log in your own Eye.

Jesus had not word one to say about gayness. He doesn't equate it with 'sexual immorality' nor does any apostle. It may be- it is just not overtly in scripture thusly defined anywhere.
The church has historically identified the Seven Deadly sins as:
Wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony.
Has the church set up a litigation team to try to deprive anyone with those qualities of any constitutional right- like the Right to Marriage. It could be some gayness falls within the 'lust' category just as easily as some gayness falls in the Love category, just as in the heterosexual world. And here's a hint-if they are trying to get married it likely is more in the long term love category than the one night lust stand category. (ya think??!!)
Imagine a statute that said "Anyone convicted by the SEC of insider trading is guilty of 'greed' and thus prohibited from marriage." Who would think that constitutional? How about "Anyone whose ego is so enormous that they would rather spend money in running for higher office or position than supporting their aging parent"-no Marriage allowed for such a person. How about envy? Imagine it. You are so envious of your neighbor's house we deprive you statutorily of your constitutional right to marriage. Absurd. How about this one-- gluttony: You are too too fat to get married! Imagine a statute: If your BMI (Body Mass Index) is over x points you may not get married. Because you are a glutton.

Now, how about someone 'intrinsically disordered' such that they have an intense fondness for someone of the same gender (like most people living in monastic life) and this manifests into sexual expression (like some people living in monastic life)- NO MARRIAGE FOR ANY OF YOU.

Absurd, I would say, from a constitutional perspective.

In the Adultery context there is a scripture verse that says that if a divorced person remaries it is tantamount to committing adultery and this has been used to prevent the church from acknowledging remarriage of divorced persons rendering it illigitimate in the church's eyes unless there is a paid off annulment. That does not change the US Legal structure which permits remarriage of anyone who got civilly divorced. The civil law is and has been historically recognized as separate and different from church law and morality in this context.

It can and should be the same way in the gay marriage world.

happy to admit it- I overspoke- there are references to the immorality of homosexuality- BUT NOT BY JESUS.
Here are ones I found in biblegateway. (I am happy to get free tuition from the Dominican House or paid for by Knights that go Ni or Knight to learn more):

1 Timothy 1:10for the sexually immoral, for those practicing homosexuality, for slave traders and liars and perjurers—and for whatever else is contrary to the sound doctrine1 Timothy 1:9-11 (in Context) 1 Timothy 1 (Whole Chapter)
SODOMITES » A proverbial term of reproach applied to those who practiced sodomy (ritual homosexuality) (Deuteronomy 23:17; 1 Kings 14:24;15:12;22:46; 2 Kings 23:7; Job)

Liars and Perjurers are allowed to get married. Heck, I write a blog that some think veers on unsound doctrine (especially before I corrected this part) and no one said I could never get married- there certainly is no statute preventing me from it. This is ONE area of sin we dump on people for. Why? Why don't we dump on people for being ignorant selfish and stingy?

I decided to leave in the mistake up top just to make my point. I was mistaken. Earnestly mistaken. I forgot there were direct references in scripture. Homosexuals may be earnestly mistaken. I had my facts wrong there .They may have had their facts wrong. I was in doctrinal error. They may be in doctrinal error. That is no excuse to deny anyone of Constitutional Rights. I can still get married to anyone legally and emotionally available that wants to marry me back.
Homosexuals? Why is there a separate constitutional category for that sin? Nowhere does the Constitution calibrate sins. It is for ALL Citizens.

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