Friday, December 03, 2010

The Commandment

To Love One Another

has been so 'sanitized' as to dilute it's meaning by some celibate clerics that it is clear they have only a vague foggy notion of what it actually means. If you love someone as yourself, you can barely tell the boundaries between their and your soul such that you would die for them easily. That is what Jesus knew when he died for his friends- his followers were 'children of God' heir to the promise, off-spring of the Source, the Great All Mighty- He could die for them. It is the secret of sainthood- they can die for the salvation of other souls readily.
A real biological parent has this kind of Love- they would throw themselves in front of a bus to save their child from getting hit. God is a parent of his children.

This love in human form can take on a holy and sexual expression in a committed marriage where the 'TWO BECOME ONE" in a soul meld-merge. This is something completely alien to a lot of celibate clergy who simply don't get it. They never experienced it-so they don't know what it means any more than they know what changing your tampax means experientially.

As a result they make cracked whack-o allusions to all sexual expression metaphorically as 'robbing a bank', and, with a condum, with an unloaded gun. Only someone who has never experienced real sexual love could ever say something so stupid.

This is another reason- for street cred, for authenticity of real understanding- part of the catholic clergy should be allowed to be married. That is why people find much more wisdom in some protestant clerical circles than in the hood with the white dresses and red shoes.

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